*Due to copyright some mums do not have a photo with them. The pictures you see we have taken and some of the mums are sold out before we can take a photo of the blooms. If you would like to see an image, you can google search the name or come into the greenhouse to see a picture that is on the tag. Thank you for understanding.
Not Pictured: Wanda Lavendar - Blooms: Mid September - Sold Out
Not Pictured: Rihanna Red (Daisy) - Blooms: Early October - Sold Out Selena - Blooms: Late September - Sold Out
Please note that Wanda Red is more of a wine color. It does not really fit in a category, however since the name has "red" in it that is where it is placed.
Not Pictured: Jasoda Yellow - Blooms: Mid October
Not Pictured: Autumn Sunset (Daisy) - Blooms: Late September - Sold Out Magnus Bronze - Blooms: Mid - Late September - Sold Out
Not Pictured: Prima White - Blooms: Early September - Sold Out Wilma White - Blooms: Mid September